New Paw Tank on Polycat Finance: ProtoFi

We’re happy to announce that a new Paw Tank will be available in the following days on Polycat, featuring ProtoFi, a project that aims to be a game-changer for AMMs and yield farming protocols on the Polygon Blockchain.
Start here:
ProtoFi :
The PAW Tank
It’s simple, stake PAW tokens to earn PROTO tokens.
Total Allocated Tokens: $7,000 worth of PROTO
Distribution duration: 15 days
Start block: 19650000
Rewards per block: 0.020305556 PROTO / block (every 2.5 seconds)
The FISH pool in the “PARTICLE” section.
FISH will be the first polygon Blue Chip token to be listed in our Particle section together with coins like BTC, ETH, USDC, DAI and MATIC.
At the beginning it will have a 4% deposit fee that will decrease over time and an “harvesting” lockup period of 12h.
What is ProtoFi?

As DeFi users have seen time and time again, the great majority of all DeFi products suffer the same fate: the token value inexorably collapses, tends to 0, and the project meets its end.
Many different attempts have been made to avoid this pitfall and add lasting value to the products — ranging from layered farming to exotic burning mechanisms — but none have succeeded, until now.
Meet the ProtoFi Protocol, our answer for a sustainable solution in the current DeFi paradigm: The first community-driven, user-owned AMM on the Polygon network giving every investor the chance to become a shareholder combined with healthy tokenomics and innovative features.
Stake Proton, earn Electron, and get rewarded with dividends!
This is something that would not be possible to achieve alone. That’s why we chose to partner with one of the best important polygon projects around: Polycat.
Your New Bank

In its current iteration, ProtoFi is an innovative Automated Market Maker and Yield Farming protocol that allows investors to become owners and earn dividends by owning a share of the protocol itself.
It can be thought of as a bank that offers savings accounts that continuously grows your deposit by paying out interest, also allowing you to gain further profits by earning a share of all the revenue generated by the ProtoFi protocol. This is achieved through a dual token system, the PROTON token, and the ELECTRON token.
Earn dividends in Iron Finance Stablecoin (IRON) and USDC with the ProtoFI MoneyPot!
What makes ProtoFi unique
Profit-sharing AMM: the way to have a sustainable AMM and maintain the token’s value.
ProtoFi offers a host of effective and innovative features meant to safeguard and maximize our users’ investments by guaranteeing the most sustainable environment, which includes
Quantum Supply Mechanism Focus.
Starting from the third day after the launch, the supply will be dependent on the ratio between the Market Cap (MC) of the ProtoFi ecosystem proprietary tokens and the Total Value Locked (TVL) in the protocol.
The protocol will start by setting a target MC/TVL target ratio equal to 25% and it will adjust this target time by time.
This means that:
- If the 3rd day after farming starts the 6 hours average MC/TVL ratio is higher than 25% then the emission rate will continue to be 1 PROTON/ELCT per block.
- If the 6h average MC/TVL ratio is lower than 25% the emission rate will be lowered by 0.05 and the MC/TVL ratio target will be lowered by 1%
The change in the emission rate will affect only the non-native farms/pools in order to decrease the selling pressure from non-native farmers and increase the incentive of buying and staking PROTO.
If you want to better understand the mechanism, please find some example at the following address:
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